Phase 3 — Week 3

Jonathan Pérez Guzmán
2 min readJun 29, 2021

We’re almost at the end of the open source phase and I haven’t made as much progress as I would like to, but I have learned a lot from the project I chose and, at the same time, from the topics for the interview phase.

My primary stack is Python, and the reason I chose it as primary instead other programming language like C, which is the language I’ve been working for more time, is because I’ve done more projects with Python, allowing me to do more many things with only using other libraries like Matlplotlib, Numpy, Pandas, and even other for automation and security. Even in this phase I’ve been learning things about this program language, for example, pytest. In the last phase I learned to do a test for NodeJs but only now I have tried it in python and is, thanks to the previous experience, easiest to do.

My actual problem with my issue for the “Big” Open Source project is, funny enough, running the test, because some of the results of the test failed, I thought that it was my approach that didn’t pass the test, but after tracking some of the test and trying to figure out why it fails I wasn’t able to come with a solution. So I decided to look for another issue for my secondary stack while still trying to solve the test and do my PR.

Now, for the Interview preparation, until now when programming I used to look just for the information I need to solve a problem. Thanks to my CS background I have knowledge about Database, Data Structures, OOP, algorithms, including how to calculate the time-complexity of an algorithm and a little bit more. But even so, there are topics that aren’t taught, like the S.O.L.I.D principles. Most of the time I use Functional programming, and the only time I use OOP is when I work with the framework Django, so I didn’t know about the principles.

Some of them make sense, but the fact that being able to apply them makes the difference to be a better programmer.

There are topics that I haven’t reviewed at all, like databases, specially triggers, stored procedures and normalization. I’ll be studying them this week and doing some diagrams because it is the way I learned to design and normalize databases.

